This weekend will mark the second stop of our #vurbshredtour presented by Maxima Racing Oils this time around. We’ve got thousands of dollars worth of prizes lined up to GIVE AWAY and plan on having nothing but epically good times all weekend long. Will there be racing? Absolutely not… unless we once again decide to throw an impromptu 125cc Showdown again. That’s never out of the cards completely.
We’ll also be hosting a Monster Energy Supercross Viewing Party Saturday evening right there at the track with a massive blow up screen, bonfire, and cold, cold apple juice.
Everyone is invited, and everyone can win the host of prizes we’ve got lined up.
Special thanks to Maxima Racing Oils,, Fly Racing, Race Tech, Pirelli MX, Polar Watches, and R3Motoworx for bringing out all the goods.
For more information and all the details for the weekend, click here.