Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that AJ Catanzaro has built an incredibly large social media empire. Not only does he pump out the content, but he’s built his own brand, which is the Moto Academy. What started off as riding schools all over the country has now branched off into a partnership with Jett Lawrence. Not only that, but this year the Cat has launched an app service to help you daily. If you subscribe to the Moto Academy app and pay for the service, AJ and Jett will watch your uploaded riding footage and correct your technique via a video answering service.
As a fellow CEO, I know what it’s like to rake in all of this money and have so much success. AJ and I had a meeting this week to let you know how to grow your social media channels. Just know that the Cat one upped me by sending over a voice message that self-destructed after I listened to it. Note to self: I have to figure out how to send those.
Before we get into this, notice that this column now has a sponsor? That’s right! Troy Dog joined the Blu Cru and you should too! I have one in my garage right now and I can’t wait to go shred it this summer! Thank you to Yamaha for believing in my ELITE columns on this dirtbike website enough to sponsor me. What a dream come true! Now it’s time to learn from AJ Catanzaro on how to build your social accounts.
Find Your Niche
AJ Cat told me that it’s important to find something that makes you stand out in the crowd. If you’re posting the same content as everyone else, we’ll you’re not going to be successful in the long run. Just ask Slaw Dog why he’s failing.
Speak Fluently in Your Topic
If you follow AJ’s accounts or have heard him speak in any interview, you’ll quickly figure out that he’s very articulate. Here is a guy who can teach you how to succeed in helping a water Buffalo give birth. While that is a very extreme example, I’m serious, AJ doesn’t mess around when it comes to teaching you better technique on a dirtbike. He wants you to succeed and will not skip any of the important details, which is a huge part of why he’s successful. So, work on your public speaking and really look at every aspect of your niche topic. Make sure to be very well educated, know what you’re talking about, and run with it.
YouTube is a MUST
The Cat was very persistent in telling me that everyone in the world should have a YouTube channel. Apparently, your great aunt Sophie or grandma Lori needs a YouTube as well. AJ believes that if you are a racer then you should start a YouTube channel and that goes for all of you, even if you’re a C rider or a beginner. It’s important to show off your growth via content no matter what and that leads to the next thing.
Consistency is Key
When you have your social channels, it’s important to post frequently, especially on YouTube, AJ said that if you’re just starting out that it’s easy to get discouraged because the YouTube algorithm doesn’t share your channel or videos at first. Your other forms of media won’t do that either, but you’ve got to keep posting and eventually it will work out. Also, if you want to start a YouTube channel and just post helmet cam/riding footage at first then do that. You can figure out what niche you want to branch off to later when you have a larger following like AJ did.
Be Relevant
AJ Cat said that he finds topics that have made big talking points and uses that to his advantage. He announced his partnership with Jett after a win and he announced his school with Stank Dog after he put the 125 in the main event. AJ even has plans to race a 125 at some rounds this season. So, even if it isn’t you in the spotlight, somehow make the person who is pertain to you.
Hopefully you can use these tips to your advantage and become an icon. Remember us little people on your way up too. Maybe one day we will all be as cool as AJ Cat.