If you don’t follow moto Twitter, well, you are missing out. It’s full of misfits, rabble rousers, and for real, all around good fun and great moto talk. PLUS GIFS!!!!!!
I know the kids are all about the Gram and Ticky Tak, but try having a cool convo on there. Spoiler: it ain’t happening.
While most riders still continue to post on those platforms, Joe Dawg (@versacesavatgy) has decided to go a different route: he has embraced the moto Twitter and we are all better for it.
I won’t try and explain most of his Tweets, because to be honest, I have no idea what most of them mean. But I love them.
Thanks, Joey, for providing some real shit from a rider.
Check out these gems from Joey recently:
FYI: Follow @vurbslawdog for the best MEDIA member account around. And give @vurbmoto a follow while you are at it.