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Welcome to the 2023 Slaw/Troy Dog/Ginger Dog Combined 250/450 Top Ten Power Rankings! Slaw, Ginger, and Troy each have created their own list of who they believe carry the most power in the sport. They each have created their own categories and have weighted these people accordingly, whether its speed, following, SX skills, you name it.
Each week these rankings will be updated so that you guys can argue about how wrong they are in the comment section! Feel free to tell us if we’re right/wrong/or completely dumb.
Slaw’s Rankings:
I will bullet point my thoughts so it is easier to read. Troy Dog has a hard time reading, so I’m making it easy for him to see how much better my rankings are.
-Sometimes you have to be the bigger person. Despite Steve’s absolute slander of Vurb Power Rankings, I Slaw, humble leader of Slaw Nation, still ranks his stupid race #1.
-If you didn’t watch the KTM Jr race in Denver, find highlights. Regan Heighton dominated and was airing out the jump before the finish. Amazing! I think, but not sure, this is only the second time in history a girl has won the race. What a win!
-Dude has dominated. How can he not be on this list?
-Hamp Dog got that dawg in him. Wears his heart on his sleeve and just goes out and gets shit done.
-Enzo has put Brazil on the map.
-Can we talk about J Hill’s season a little more, please? Slaw has been there for him all season.
-Hate to give any credit to anything Troy does, but his Squad is rolling right now.
-Best athletic performance from a Weege in the families history. Helps that Weege Sr wasn’t his mechanic.
-Canadians are awesome. That’s all.
Ginger’s Rankings:
“They say a winner is a loser that kept trying. This one’s for all the losers out there.” Adam, you deserved every minute of that top three. It had been too long since that last 2021 podium and the universe was ready to see you back.
-Team Solitaire. You built the deck this week. You 1000% win. Seeing the T-Dog Vurb pineapple on the peaches of your team’s finest was top tier. Special shout-out to Thury. He seems like he could be my kind of person.
-I can only imagine what it’s like to play the “what if” game if you’re Sexton after the total carnage that was Denver. Either way, go get that #1 plate. We’re ready.
-You’re the reason I yelled at my TV this past weekend. HAMP! That was amazing. Talk about sending it. I loved every minute of it.
-I hope Papa Weege broke the bank on full price nuggets for Lane Dog after that 6th place dub. Good job little dude!
-Watching you take on the 450 is going to be like watching Thanos put on the infinity gauntlet (but nicer?)
-2024 should be scared. Keep cookin’ Chef. All the best dishes take time.
-I think there is about 17% less oxygen in the air in Denver. Add that to my list of reasons why moto dudes are bots.
-I’m a horse girl and I live in Kentucky so I have to shout out the ‘23 Derby winner: Mage! He had a 15-1 shot and only one win in his career which makes him that much cooler. Derby Day isn’t really my thing. It’s all day hype for a two minute race. Total one pump chump energy. I’ve been seeing a lot of comments around his win (and how it wouldn’t be possible if others hadn’t flown to the heavens or scratched with injuries). Kind of ironic, huh? Doesn’t make him any less of a winner.
-Live broadcasting may not have seen you, BUT I DID. Good job boys. I’ll continue to watch your name on the little sidebar. Everyone loves a champ, but you’re the real reason I watch.
Troy’s Rankings:
-Team Solitaire collaborated with my Squad and it was such a vibe.
– I wanted to put Har Dog at number one, but the Solitaire boys blindsided me with the collab. Classic Harlan move, where he blew his shoulder out in Nashville, then he gets ninth a week later. His first 450SX top ten. You can see his progression and the amount of things he’s overcome in the past three years is incredible. This guy wants it and you teams out there need to be printing a contract for him ASAP.
– Finishing right behind Harlan in the main event was Justin Starling. The two teammates were pushing one another. Starling has fought through a lot of adversity this year, hasn’t been able to ride because of his knee, and still pulled off a top ten in one of his favorite cities.
– Derek Kelley finished 7th in the 250SX main and is going to be battling Cole Thompson for ninth overall in the standings to finish off the season.
– Chris Elliott is the reason that Team Solitaire had pineapple butt patches in Denver. He’s a great guy and has a great sense of humor. I appreciate you, bro.
– Cole Thompson finished ninth as a member of my Squad and is going to be battling Kelley for 9th in points at the Showdown.
– Thury had great lap times, made the main, and showed off his pineapple patch all day. Thury is a vibe.
– AC, he got third and his podium speech was super emotional, and I loved it. We need more of this in this sport.
– Clark, Mr. Team Solitaire, gets a shoutout for being rad and letting me collaborate with his incredible team. Thank you, sir!
– Nic needs more credit. She is the Team Manager of JSR Motorsports and makes sure everything is running smoothly for her ELITE rider. She was also my buddy in Nashville and threatened me if I didn’t come to their wedding. I’m a fan.
Main image: Husqvarna