Ken Roczen Confirmed for Team Germany for 2024 Motocross of Nations

Big news regarding to 2024 Motocross of Nations was announced today. Ken Roczen will return to lead Team Germany at Matterley Basin in Great Britain this October.

“I am excited for another go at the Motocross of Nations. This one feels extra fun for me as Matterley Basin is one of my favorite tracks,” he said. “I’m hoping for good teamwork with Simon and Max and an exciting weekend. If we can make smart choices and avoid making little mistakes, and of course the big mistakes too, I think we can have a shot at the podium! We have a really strong team and everyone has experience at MXON and at Matterley Basin. I’m really looking forward to the event this year.”

Roczen returned to the race last year for the first time since 2018 and won the MXGP Class and almost led the Germans to an overall podium, with the team finishing fourth overall behind France, Australia and Italy.

Team Germany will be strong once again this year, as Roczen will be paired with Simon Laengenfelder, who is currently third in MX2 points.

“I am very happy to be part of the German team again. With Ken and Max we are very well positioned. Matterley Basin is a good track and I have good memories there. I got my first Grand Prix win there. We will all do our best and as we showed last year, we are capable of a lot,” said Laengenfelder.

Veteran Max Nagl will round out the team. Nagl and Roczen were part of the only German team to win the event when they paired with Marcus Schiffer to take the top spot in 2012 at Lommel.

Main image: MXGP

Written by Slaw Dog

Just a dog trying to find my special bun.

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