Adam Cianciarulo REMATCH vs. Carson Brown on 2001 KX250

Carson will race anybody, anywhere, at anytime… and sometimes he lets his competitors have a rematch. Today, he faces off against Adam Cianciarulo once again, but this time aboard a 2001 Ricky Carmichael inspired 2001 KX250 at Pax Trax! The best comment down below will win a signed number plate from this shoot!

If you haven’t watched Carson vs. AC on the 2005 KX125, that’s another can’t miss!

Written by Vurbwes Chilidog

Been 'round these parts making dirtbike movies since '02; a weathered veteran with moto and camera related back issues, the hearing equivalent to my great-great grandfather's, and a dirt tan that will literally never come off. But I'm still in way better shape than every other dog in this joint, but that's because I use Chili and no slaw.

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