GasGas Factory Bikes Up Close and Personal

You didn’t think Barcia week was over did you?! Hellll naw. There’s today and tomorrow, big doggies. Here’s a collection of sweet photographs from Brandon Carter at the 2020 TLD GasGas Factory Team Racing introduction on Thursday, and as the titles promises, some up close and personal shots of the machines.

Now it’s time to grab a white claw, turn on supercross live, kick back and watch some live timi…. wait. Crap. Nevermind, I have no idea what I’m going to do today.

Written by Vurbwes Chilidog

Been 'round these parts making dirtbike movies since '02; a weathered veteran with moto and camera related back issues, the hearing equivalent to my great-great grandfather's, and a dirt tan that will literally never come off. But I'm still in way better shape than every other dog in this joint, but that's because I use Chili and no slaw.

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