I Could Watch Trey Canard Goon Ride All Day

The King of Goon riding has returned.

There is just something poetic about watching Trey Canard slap on a pair of old gear and “goon” ride his way around the track. This is like watching the McGrath glory days. Or James Stewart debuting the Bubba Scrub. Just pure bliss.

Canard has once again been dropping “goon” riding videos and I couldn’t be more happy. You see, way back in time before 7 second videos destroyed our brains, we would watch 10-15 MINUTE videos on YouTube and enjoy every second. In those ancient times, one Mister Canard, and a hat tip to Ronnie Mac, were the Kings of Goon riding. Every time they released a new video, we would slap open a Code Red and binge.

Those days are now back and I, being a Capital J, have went and posted some on this site for you to watch while you pretend to work during the holidays.

Written by Slaw Dog

Just a dog trying to find my special bun.

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