We’re going to go ahead and coin this week… BARCIA WEEK. With a JB Vurb Original popping off on Thursday, we decided to just dedicate the whole week to the TLD GasGas BadAss. See what we did there? It rhymes. Yes, we’re clever, we know. If it weren’t for our friend FilmGuyTom, these would be the actual first clips of Barcia in the wild, aka the factory test track. Sure there have been some cell phone clips here and there, but we legit scored the first actual shoot with him. WE SWEAR.
Okay, watch Justin Barcia for 90 seconds to get you hyped. Then come back tomorrow for some Unseen clips, and Thursday for his #vurboriginal, and Friday we bring you the GasGas Team Intro that will include, you guessed it, JB51.