Phil Nicoletti Out for the Foreseeable Future With a Knee Injury

THIS IS NOT THE NEWS THAT WE WANTED TO SEE! Phil Nicoletti will be out for the foreseeable future with a knee injury. It’s been a quiet week on his front and this was not the news we wanted to see heading into Thunder Valley.

Team Manager Mike Bonacci:

A brief delay in getting the report out this week, waiting for more news on Phil’s injury. He hurt his knee in the second moto at Hangtown and will be out for at least a few weeks. There is no projection on his return until we can see how everything heals in the coming days and weeks.

PHIL NICOLETTI #36: If you would have said Phil would run up front in second place in half of the 450 motos this season, you would have been considered crazy. But that is what he has done. It is an accomplishment many people did not foresee apart from the team. Phil stays late on many of the training days dialing in his motorcycle for starts and race conditions. Yes, it is his final season, but he is not built to just mail it in. He puts everything he has into performing well, and the proof is in the results. Unfortunately, fate took over and he took a hard hit early in the second moto and did some damage to his knee. Now it is just a waiting game to see what the future holds. With Phil’s luck, he will come back and score just enough points to make it into the SMX LCQ program. I hope everyone is ready for that.

We will keep you posted on when we learn more about Phil’s comeback to racing, but man it was a great kickoff for the summer for him.

Main Image: Octopi Media

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Faster than Slaw Dog. Editor-in-Chief

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