PIR: The Coolest Night Series to Ever Exist?? 2024 Pro Highlights

For the first time ever, the Vurb crew headed to Portland International Raceway for “Pro Night” at the 58th Anniversary of the Pro-Unlimited Thursday Night Motocross. Let’s just say we were mind blown at the size and epicness of this event, and it’ll now be on our yearly Can’t Miss calendar.

Check out the highlights of the Pro Unlimited Class where returning champ, Grant Harlan, lines up to defend the throne, and take home lots and lots of money.

Written by Vurbwes Chilidog

Been 'round these parts making dirtbike movies since '02; a weathered veteran with moto and camera related back issues, the hearing equivalent to my great-great grandfather's, and a dirt tan that will literally never come off. But I'm still in way better shape than every other dog in this joint, but that's because I use Chili and no slaw.

Haiden Deegan Talks Washougal

Results and Standings Following Washougal