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Since it’s the off-season we decided to change things up a bit in the Guts Racing Vurb Power Rankings. Going forward, Slaw and Troy will be ranking different topics until racing starts again at Anaheim.
As always, feel free to flame away on Troy below or on social. Not Slaw.
Now onto this weeks topic: Thanksgiving day sides. Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at Vurb!
-This is everyone’s #1 pick. Stuffing slaps so hard. It mixes great with the turkey and mashed potatoes and just everything.
-People sleep on the cornbread. Amazing side dish.
-The classic. Could easily go #2.
-Another classic. This is very dependent on who is making it. Could be as high as #2.
-Casserole’s just completes every meal. It goes with everything.
Troy Dog
-Stuffing wins this by a mile. Quit cooking it inside of the turkey because you’re setting yourself up for a foodborne illness broham. Grab 18 boxes of Stovetop and pour a vat of gravy on it for the perfect Thanksgiving dinner.
-Yukon Gold potatoes to be exact. You have to throw in sourcream, butter, milk, and a lot of salt and pepper to make them bangers.
-Ginger Dog has the best cornbread casserole recipe in the universe and that’s why it makes the podium here. I didn’t even like it before I met her.
-Ginger Dog’s Grandma (Rest in Peace) was one of the coolest people that I’ve ever met in my life. She was so much fun to be around and she knew the way to my heart with her buttered egg noodles and crackers combination. It packed a ton of flavor and I love noodles, so that’s a W.
-Crescent rolls are the rolls of choice at Thanksgiving because they don’t take up too much room on the plate. Please, for the love of all Pilgrims, do not leave them in the oven too long.
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