Red Bull Imagination, the premier freeride motocross event conceptualized by renowned rider Tyler Bereman, returns to Fort Scott in September for its fourth consecutive year. Gathering the top freeriders from across the globe, the event sets the stage for a week-long journey of unmatched riding, dubbed “expression sessions,” culminating with a single-day competition on the unparalleled, custom-built course. Preserving the ingenuity of freeride, it is here the riders are free to find new lines and soar beyond the boundaries. Bereman will be joined by four-year veteran riders Vicki Golden and Tom Parsons, amongst many others, as the group embarks on a journey of mastery in their creative lanes on an evolved, consolidated course.
The 2023 edition of Red Bull Imagination introduces a new twist to shake up the event – a team competition format. Freeride, often seen as a form of personal expression through dirtbikes, will embrace a collaborative aspect for its final day as the riders compete in teams rather than as individuals. This innovative format fosters camaraderie amongst the field while maintaining the flair of competition. The competition will take place in person on September 30, providing an adrenaline-pumping experience for both participants and attending spectators alike. Those that cannot make it to Kansas will be able to catch the highlights on ESPN2 on October 8.
Like two peas in a pod, Bereman and Dreamtraxx’s Jason Baker concluded the 2022 event with more creative vision than ever. Fans of Red Bull Imagination can expect the existing course to shift and transform in a way not seen in years past, drawing on the rider’s desire to master the course. Rather than scaling the course in shape, size and square footage, the course will strategically consolidate in footprint and become denser with more options for creative riding to allow riders more opportunity to drop in and link the course elements together in entirety. Riders will have three days to finesse the course and build familiarity fine-tuning their skills ahead of the final-day competition.
“For 2023, I’m looking forward to one-upping the progression as a whole with the individual riders and the course itself,” says Bereman. “Baker has upleveled his own building skills each year by building beyond a confined box and being able to have as much creativity as he wants.”
A blend of returning fan favorites and new talent will be participating in the event’s fourth year. Freeride luminaries such as 13-time X Games medalist Bereman, seven-time X Games Medalist Parsons, four-time Red Bull Imagination rider Golden and Spain’s leading freerider Guillem Navas Petit are confirmed to bring their distinctive style to the competition. The entire rider roster and more information on the competition format will be announced in the coming weeks.
General Admission tickets are available through the Early Bird Special for $35 for adults and $19 for children aged 12 and under. A limited number of VIP tickets, offering premium viewing in the middle of the course, complimentary food, drinks, and more are available for $450. Tickets can be purchased on the website: en/events/imagination.
Those unable to attend the competition in Kansas can catch the action on ESPN2 on October 8, from 4-5 PM EST, with a preceding two-part episodic series featured on Red Bull Motorsports YouTube leading into the competition.