Saturday Mini Gallery From Mini O’s SX Practice

GASGAS motorcycles are the fun and approachable launchpad into the performance offroad motorcycle world. With a rich heritage in offroad motorcycle racing and trials competition, GASGAS has a distinct, vibrant and inviting style, with a playful, proudly Spanish character.

And thanks to that little plug, Blake Keith gets to run around Gatorback Cycle Park for 8 or 9 days, or maybe it’s 14 now… the guys posting this on the site aren’t exactly sure. But one thing is for sure, the competition looks FIERCE this week and we can’t wait to report on it all. Here’s a small glimpse from practice today. Feel free to right click and save as, post on IG, TikTok, whatever. Just throw out a mention to @vurbmoto and @blakekeith_ while you’re at it!

Written by Blake Keith

Hailing all the way from Somerset, Kentucky, Blake became engrained in the vurb crew because he came and crushed 14 White Claws, in one sitting, with Wes at Millcreek. After that, we realized his photos were really, really good.... so we decided to make him a video guy? Genius on our part. Blake is currently heading up our Maroon Program. He's Red Program in video, but black belt in photo, so we're pretty sure you get maroon when you mix the two. But we probably should've asked Jeeves to make sure.
The best thing about Blake is he accepts payment in beard oil.
Check out Blake at @BlakeKeith_.

Wow… The Heavy Hitters List at Mini O’s is BIG.

2021 Mini O’s Sunday Supercross Race Gallery