Results: Southwick

It’s Round 5 of the Pro Motocross Championship from Southwick and it was a great day of racing. Alright, I’m over it. I can’t write these intros like the other media outlets do it. You clicked on this to get results from the Wick’, so scroll down and read em’, or keep reading as I ramble on about John Dowd.

All of us here at vurbmoto need to bow down to the Junkyard Dog, as he is the original dog in this sport. He’s the reason we are all known as dogs here on this site (I think) and he has his own doghouse built for him on the side of the Southwick track. This is basically the same thing as Michael Jordan getting a statue outside of the United Center in Chicago.

When Dowdy was 86-years-old he won the 1998 125cc Western Regional Championship. When he was 97-years-old he finished second in a Southwick Moto and third overall IN THE 450 CLASS. I think when Dowd turns 116 in three years that he should make a comeback and race Southwick. Just ONE LAST TIME. Tony Lorusso is 52 and considered a spring chicken compared to JYD.

Dowdy is a legend. Give this man the keys to the city now.



Main Image: Octopi Media

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Written by Troy Dog

Faster than Slaw Dog. Editor-in-Chief

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