It’s been a minute since ANY of us have talked about Luke Renzland. You see the last person to even mention his name was probably yours truly. I found out early through my work with this here website (and ahem—Racer X—name drop) that Renzland has one of the best personalities in the sport and no one even knows about it.
So, this week I decided to get in touch with the Dreamlandian in hopes to get some idea on what the **** he’s been up to these days.
We spent the first 30 minutes trying to figure out a dog name for him, and I think we settled on Wolf Dog? It’s because he howls during karaoke night or something like that. It stuck and so here we are. Hey, literally ANYTHING is better than Slaw Dog.
Wolf Dog put out a post on social media earlier in the week talking about how stoked he is with his new Fox deal and showed that he is back on Yamahas. The thing that Troy Dog completely missed was the fact that he’s sitting on a YZ250… two stroke!
What does all this mean? It means Renz Dog is showing up to the East Coast rounds of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross to be the people’s champ. People lose their minds on two strokes and Luke is here for it.
“Well, I was thinking about what bike to buy and I really didn’t want to buy a 450 and a 250 to be able to race two classes if I do some local stuff… so the 250 two stroke came to mind as the best choice. Sending it back to 2010 when the hair on my head was a lot thicker, the hair on my chest was non existent, and two strokes were the only thing I knew,” he said.
I asked him why the heck wouldn’t he just ride a 450 like he did last summer. He answered with basically telling me that he still has a bad taste in his mouth from his injury and bike problems from last year.
So, two stroke, people’s champ, Yamaha and Renzland go together like peanut butter and jelly, and #home butt patch. This summer is going to be all time!
BUT WAIT! The YZ250 is not legal to race in any class for 2021! Wolf Dog knows and just for you people he’s going to buy a bike that is legal, except this time it’s going to be a 125cc. If you’re at an East Coast National this year you will be in for a treat.
On top of racing some nationals, Renzland wants to race some GNCC’s, J Day Off-Road, and he’s open to any other ideas you might have. Fox is calling him the “Renaissance Man” for this reason. Could he perhaps become like Ryan Sipes and race a select few different disciplines each year? Maybe. For now Renzland is just having fun riding his dirtbike, and he’s going to make one scream at a National track near you.
Can he make money racing a 125? He’s not sure, but he said that he can make a lot of two stroke noise that the fans will love. Never change Luke. We will be bringing an extra air horn just for you.
Main image: @ridersrampage via Luke Renzland
When the ama gets out of the way, and let’s all 2 strokes legal again, racing will be fun to watch. Cc for cc. If you can’t beat them, then swap over. Bring back the smokers!