Troy Dog’s Shack: You Doggies Helped Justin Starling and We are Announcing Winners of the Prizes

In the week leading up to Anaheim 1, this column was dedicated to creating a contest to help Justin Starling get the funds for his suspension that UPS lost in the mail. Star Dog has insurance on his suspension and THAT WAS NEVER AN ISSUE, for those of you that keep asking. We simply asked that if you wanted to donate, then donate and we will come up with cool prizes you can win. If you didn’t want to donate or couldn’t, then that is perfectly fine too. We still love ya! 

It turns out that most of you wanted to donate and I was honestly impressed by how much you wanted to help my Elite Athlete on such short notice. On behalf of Starling, we want to thank all of those who took the time to help him out. Your donation helped Star Dog get another set of suspension sorted, which helped him dominate the LCQ at A1 and into the stacked 450SX main event where WE belong. In his first race weekend wearing my sticker on his helmet and WE got a W. Like I said before, this is not a coincidence. He was determined to make all of you proud. It was a team effort and you all got him into the main event. 

Now for the winners! I have three winners that I will be announcing right now! Remember, we had three tiers of winners. 

The winner of SX tickets (to a round of the winner’s choice) goes to…Brian Sees!

The winner of a signed Justin Starling jersey goes to…Sam Nichols!

Then the winner of what may be the most prestigious prize of a T-Dog Squad merch pack goes to…Brett Bell!

I’ll be in contact with the winners early next week and we will get your prizes out to you. Thanks for playing! 

You motocross fans are great and when a privateer needs help you guys always end up helping them in some way or another. That’s what I love most about this sport. We all help one another out. 

We’ll see you in Oakland!

Written by Troy Dog

Faster than Slaw Dog. Editor-in-Chief

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