The Vurbmoto World Mini event of the century is coming up on April 4-7 at Mesquite MX! Everyone in the world is invited. Click here to register now!
Back in the day, our crew never missed a World Mini event. It was a staple on the amateur national circuit and all of the top pros in the 450 class today cut their teeth racing at World Mini. Through the years the event changed hands, then last year WE brought it back in the biggest way ever. It’s a prestige event that you’ll need to race to become the next Eli Tomac. The trophies are taller than Benny Bloss and the fun your family will have at the event will be even bigger.
Yesterday I was browsing through our World Mini photo archives and we have so much goodness that it’s insane. Each week leading up to the event, I’ll pull a pic, and we’ll talk about it. Here we go!

Can you guess the year? What Class? Also, I know the names of most of these riders in the photo, but 1000 million internet points goes to the person who can correctly name them all. Shoutout to the two gentleman in front for getting a better start than Trey Canard on the 241. C’mon if you don’t know that is Trey, then you grew up under a rock.
- I personally really liked this version of Answer gear. During this era they also had Ryan Dungey signed to the brand and Josh Hansen. I can’t think of two other riders who have so many similarities.
- Arai helmets look basically the same today as they did then.
- Look how far Fly Racing has come in the past 15 plus years. I thought that this was a good look on riders and those helmets were underrated. I almost bought one, but I went with One Industries instead.
- Long live the No Fear kit that Canard was repping on his FC Honda. I always thought it was interesting why he wore a No Fear helmet when the rest of the team was wearing Shoei at the time. I’ll have to ask him about that the next time that I talk to him.
- My last comment on gear. These Fox Helmets could make the sketchiest C rider look like a factory rider at the local races. Throw some Oakley goggles on it and oh my goodness.
- RIP Shift
- RIP to that version of the Leatt neckbrace.
Here’s another bonus. A throwback vid. Nothing says hype like some good old nostalgia.